Why Do My Headphones Sound Low?

Last Updated on December 27, 2022 by Nurul

It’s not uncommon to experience low sound on your headphones at some point. There could be various reasons for this, and it’s essential to identify the root cause to fix the problem effectively. In this article, we’ll go through the possible causes of low sound on headphones and provide tips on troubleshooting and resolving the issue.

Why Do My Headphones Sound Low?

Possible causes of low sound on headphones:

1. Volume settings

One of the most common causes of low sound on headphones is simply that the volume is too low. Check the book on your device (such as a smartphone or laptop) and ensure that it is turned up to a suitable level. You may also want to check the volume settings on your headphones themselves, as some models have separate volume controls.

2. Damaged or faulty headphones

If you’ve checked the volume settings and the sound is still low, the problem may be with the headphones themselves. This could be due to physical damage (such as a torn speaker grill or frayed wires) or a malfunction within the headphones. If your headphones are under warranty, you may be able to get them repaired or replaced.

3. Incorrect audio settings

Another possible cause of low sound on headphones is incorrect audio settings on your device. Ensure that the audio output is set to headphones and not speakers, and check the equalizer settings to ensure that the bass and treble levels are properly balanced.

4. Obstructed earbuds

If you’re using earbuds, the sound may be low because the earbuds are not correctly seated in your ears. Ensure that the earbuds are fully inserted and that they are not blocked by earwax or other debris.

How to fix low sound on headphones?

1. Check the volume settings.

As mentioned earlier, the first step in troubleshooting low sound on headphones is to check the volume settings on both your device and the headphones themselves. Ensure that the volume is turned up to a suitable level and that the controls function correctly.

2. Clean and inspect the headphones.

If the volume settings are fine, the next step is to clean and inspect the headphones. Use a soft, dry cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the speaker grills and check for any visible signs of damage. If you find any frayed wires or other visual issues, the headphones may need to be repaired or replaced.

3. Adjust the audio settings

If the volume settings and the headphones are fine, you may need to adjust the audio settings on your device. Make sure that the audio output is set to headphones and not speakers, and experiment with the equalizer settings to find a balance that works for you.

4. Check for obstructions in the earbuds.

If you’re using earbuds and the sound is still low, check to ensure that the earbuds are correctly seated in your ears and not blocked by earwax or other debris.


Low sound on headphones can be frustrating, but fortunately, it is often a problem that can be quickly resolved. By following the steps outlined above, you should be able to identify the root cause of the issue and take the steps needed to fix it. Whether it’s adjusting the volume settings, cleaning and inspecting the headphones, adjusting the audio settings, or checking for obstructions in the earbuds, there are a variety of approaches you can take to improve the sound quality of your headphones.

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